Update: Launch Center Pro was updated to version 2.3 with all kinds of amazing features! Read more about it here

I was recently reading about meal logging with Day One & Launch Center Pro on The Newsprint. I’m not very disciplined at digital journaling, and Josh got me thinking. I began to devise a few of my own actions, generally based around menial events that had a daily significance.

Most of these actions are based around things that I’ve enjoyed throughout the day– a good glass of wine, a favourite beer, a perfect coffee or a great book. In fact, I compiled so many actions that I created a dedicated group in Launch Center Pro; Input. Here’s what it looks like right now:

screenshot of launch center pro on iOS

It’s far easier for me to keep on top of documenting these very tangible things throughout my day. My Daily Summary action has a very important “Physical Notebook Reference” field at the end. This is because I still primarily write my thoughts down on physical paper, usually in Field Notes Brand notebooks or Moleskine Cahiers. This field allows me to easily make reference to which notebook I’ve written in that day (thanks to Josh for giving me this idea).

The list so far:


Upon Josh’s request, I’ve added a Sleep Log.